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Dartmouth energy Program

by the numbers



Dartmouth College is committed to transforming its energy systems to the lowest cost, best low carbon future.  Dartmouth will reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by maximizing efficiency and minimizing energy demand in buildings, delivering energy efficiently to buildings, developing a low carbon energy supply, including renewables.


Explore our progress in our interactive data dashboard below. 

DATA DASHBOARD NOTES: This data dashboard displays Dartmouth's annual greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption for fiscal years (FY) 2008-2019. Dartmouth's fiscal year runs from July 1-June 30. The data displayed are subject to change. We are actively working to improve the quality of our data and capture as complete a picture as possible of our total waste footprint on campus. 

For more information on Dartmouth's greenhouse gas emissions, see our FY18 Greenhouse Gas Report or interact with the dashboard above. You can click on the different parts of the figure, modify the years of data displayed, share the dashboard with others or download the data using the small small icons in the lower right-hand corner of the dashboard. Note that in order to download some of the data, you must first click on the specific figure then the download icon.

meet the Energy MANAGEMENT team

Energy Team


ABBE BJORKLUND oversees the Engineering and Utilities staff and activities, including engineering for new and existing Dartmouth facilities, energy efficiency programs, campus power plant operations, energy procurement, and campus energy and utilities strategic planning.


SCOTT HENING, PE joined Dartmouth College in March of 2013 as the senior mechanical engineer and moved into the position of Energy Program Manager in the fall of 2017.  As the Energy Program Manager, Scott focuses on managing and reducing Dartmouth’s energy consumption and the carbon footprint of the campus.  Scott’s daily efforts are largely focused on identifying and defining innovative and cost effective energy efficiency projects, and then guiding those projects through construction and successful implementation.  Prior to joining Dartmouth, Scott spent over 20 years as an HVAC design engineer in the commercial market.


BETSY RICKER, PE manages Dartmouth's energy management infrastructure and supports Scott's efforts in identifying and implementing energy efficiency projects on Campus. Prior to joining Dartmouth, Betsy spent 9+ years as an energy efficiency consultant specializing in measurement and verification and energy auditing for institutional, commercial and industrial facilities. She has a keen interest in how measured data can be leveraged to decrease building energy consumption.


Improving Energy at Dartmouth


Steele Hall is the site of a recent retrofit project, incorporating both capital renewal needs and innovative energy conservation measures, resulting in a 47% reduction in annual greenhouse gas emissions and a savings of 550,000 gallons of water. These energy innovations include:

  • Updated laboratory exhaust and ventilation systems

  • Modification of the existing heat recovery system

  • Conversion of the heating system from steam to low-temperature hot water

  • Heat pump chillers

Energy efficiency projects like the one at Steele represent significant energy savings for the campus and several additional buildings, including Burke Hall and Webster-Rauner Library, are currently being considered for similar energy efficiency retrofits.


Over the summer of 2018, eight solar panel installations went up around campus at Fahey-McLane, Kemeny-Haldeman, McLaughlin, Moore, Russel Sage, Silsby, Sudikoff, and the Class of 1953 Commons. These solar projects added 475 kW of electricity production capacity to the 215 kW of capacity already installed at Davis Varsity House, MacLean Engineering Sciences Center, and the Berry Sports Center. An additional 41 kW of PV is installed at Dartmouth’s Moosilauke (29 kW), Second College Grant (2 kW), and Organic Farm (10 kW) facilities.

As of the summer of 2019, PV is expected to provide 875,000 kWh/yr of electricity to Dartmouth’s Hanover campus and an additional 46,000 kWh/yr of electricity to Dartmouth’s Moosilauke, Second College Grant, and Organic Farm properties.

Additional solar arrays are planned for 2019 and beyond, further reducing Dartmouth’s carbon footprint.


Dartmouth’s persistence commissioning process includes a deep dive into the operations of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems in buildings across campus. This persistence commissioning process seeks to ensure buildings’ HVAC systems maintain a comfortable environment while reducing energy inefficiencies and other problems that may have developed over a building HVAC system’s life.

This persistence commissioning effort is on-going; high energy using buildings are reviewed, analyzed in detail, and tuned to reduce their energy consumption. More than 20 buildings across campus have undergone persistence commissioning to date, among them Baker-Berry Library, the Alumni Gymnasium, and the Class of 1978 Life Sciences Center.


Lighting constitutes a significant portion of the College’s energy and reducing our campus lighting consumption has been a core part of our energy efficiency efforts for close to a decade. Starting in 2008, major lighting projects were undertaken to retrofit campus buildings to high efficiency fluorescent lighting systems. Since that time, advances in LED technology and reductions in LED pricing have positioned the campus for a second round of energy efficient lighting upgrades.

Starting in 2019, the campus began the process of upgrading existing building lighting systems to energy efficient LEDs. These lighting upgrades are expected to reduce the energy consumption of building lighting systems by up to 70% and will be implemented throughout campus in the coming years.

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