The Dartmouth Sustainability Office challenges and empowers Dartmouth College and our students to solve the human and environmental problems presented by a rapidly changing planet. We do this via hands on learning, building inclusive community, and transforming campus operations.
The Office consists of 5 full time employees and ~35 student employees who work on implementing various projects across campus. The Office offers a number of extracurricular & co-curricular programs aimed at equipping undergraduate students with skills to address sustainability challenges. We also work with faculty to support integration of sustainability into the curriculum & their research, and staff who are connected to the oversight and implementation of Dartmouth’s operational system.
Sustainability problems are systemic and multifaceted. Therefore diverse points of view are necessary for generating effective solutions. As part of our vision for successfully carrying out our mission statement, we imagine a Dartmouth where diverse interdisciplinary groups of students, faculty, and staff come together to develop solutions that are just, equitable, and available to all people. Additionally, we envision a future in which campus operations are reimagined to prioritize human and environmental wellbeing.
Our office has a core set of values that we use to govern our interactions with end-users. Among these values are:
We collaborate, value new ideas, and will fearlessly try new things.
We embrace challenging conversations and contrary points of view.
We value pausing for reflection as well as learning from mistakes and from each other.
We actively create an office where everyone feels welcome and safe, values individual wellbeing and happiness, and works with a sense of team adventure.
We know that our work in inclusivity is never done and we aim to create a culture that is always striving towards a better vision for the future. If you have thoughts on what we could be doing better, we love to hear feedback! You can talk to us at Office Hours (Thursdays from 12-2pm in Robinson 108), send us an email, or leave anonymous feedback through our feedback form.