Over one thousand students graduated from Dartmouth College this past spring, many departing the Upper Valley and unable to transport their college appliances, decorations, and room essentials to their new homes. In an effort to prevent the annual disposal of hundreds of mini fridges, thousands of coat hangers, and box loads of water bottles, textbooks, lamps, and storage containers, the Sustainable Moving Sale crew collected these items throughout the spring. Undamaged items could be donated at collection stations in various residence halls across campus and given the chance to be utilized by new, incoming Dartmouth students instead of occupying the nearest landfill.

The items that were donated have spent the summer in the Sustainable Moving Sale warehouse with moving sale managers Bella Jacoby ’20 and Grace Phillips ’20 and their crew of teammates including Jessica Chen ‘21, Savannah Cochran ‘20, and Tara Greaney ’20. During this time, items have been sorted, tested, and cleaned in preparation for this year’s annual Sustainable Moving Sale, which will take place on Wednesday, September 5thduring orientation week. Although many days of work have gone into preparing for the sale, Grace Phillips has found that her experience working as a moving sale manager has certainly been worthwhile. “The sustainable moving sale has heightened my environmental awareness, encouraged me to donate other items I have, and connected me with amazing individuals who are also interested in sustainability!” claimed Phillips after reflecting upon her summer work so far.
The sale will begin at 8am on Gold Coast Lawn and ends at 1pm. The line for items often forms as early as 6:30am, so it may be beneficial to be early to get the best selection. However, rest assured, crew member Jessica Chen said that this year’s sale, “will feature plenty of cleaned and functioning mini fridges, storage bins, hangers, lamps, mirrors, and books.” Additionally, Dartmouth Bikes will have a selection of refurbished bikes for sale across the street at Fahey/McLane Hall along with information about rentals and other services that they offer to Dartmouth students, faculty, and staff.
Visit the Sustainability Office website or email sustainable.dartmouth@dartmouth.edufor more information.
Images from the 2017 Sustainable Moving Sale on Gold Coast Lawn