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Staff Picks: Thinking Green in Quarantine

Here's a list of inspiring reading and listening to keep you thinking green in quarantine, curated especially FOR YOU by your very own Susty Office staff members!! Let us know what you think and zoom into virtual office hours (every Thursday from 12-2pm EST, Meeting ID: 100 319 887) to discuss or share YOUR recommendations.

RECOMMENDED BY: Laura Braasch, Program Manager, Dartmouth Organic Farm

LAURA SAYS: I love listening to podcasts in the spring when we are working in the greenhouse. One of my favorites is “On Being with Krista Tippett.” In this episode, she interviews Robin Wall Kimmerer, author of “Braiding Sweetgrass,” who speaks of “the intelligence of all kinds of life.” This made me think in a different way about how we, as humans, value the knowledge that exists in non-human life and the limitations of language in recognizing the value and gifts of nature.

RECOMMENDED BY: Molly McBride, Program Assistant, Dartmouth Organic Farm

MOLLY SAYS: I really liked hearing Jose Oliva’s personal stories that have influenced his perception of power and how to reframe what power is to use it to your advantage to make change. He works in food sourcing and cares about every step it takes for food to get from producer to consumer. He also talks about how the cost of food does not reflect the reality of its impacts, and that is really important for us to consider as consumers.

RECOMMENDED BY: Dalia Rodriguez Caspeta, Program Coordinator, Dartmouth Sustainability Office

DALIA SAYS: In times like this it's nice to be reminded that one person can make a difference like LaToya did in Flint Michigan. It spoke to the power of telling a story and the positive impact that came from that.

RECOMMENDED BY: Yolanda Huerta, Program Assistant, Dartmouth Sustainability Office

YOLANDA SAYS: Sheila Watt-Cloutier is an author and indigenous activist. In her open access TedX, she covers the experiences of the Inuit people as she explores and explains what it means to confront traumas as an individual and as a community and in turn how to build resilience. She also wrote the book, "The Right to Be Cold," which covers the first time in international law that an indigenous community opened a case claiming that human produced climate change has violated human rights for Arctic communities.

RECOMMENDED BY: Marcus Welker, Program Manager, Dartmouth Sustainability Office

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